Homeopathic medicine for skin rashes – Dr. Surekha Tiwari

Skin is an organ. It is the largest organ of the body and it also acts as a manifestation of a lot of internal issues. So when lot of people ask us doctors the treatment for skin rashes, there an be no treatment available till you know the reason for the skin rashes. It can be as a bee sting ot a mosquito rash or it could be urticaria, what we call as hives in the skin it can also be a result of when there is an internal allergy to food. Then also you get rashes. And similarly you can also have rashes hen there is a stomach ailment people then they have jaundice their skin goes yellow because of the icterus or the bilirubin under the skin the itching treats and that itching can also give rise to rashes. Dengue also gives rise to rashes where the membrane there is a hemorrhagic that you can see. As I said until and unless the cause is known of the rashes, treating the skin rashes n a generic level is possible by homeopathy can very superficial kevel. Superficial would be of very simple rashes medicines like natrum mur could cure little bit of itching, then there is a pus formation you can use silacea. Also in such case do the local management. There is nothing like coconut oil for soothing the skin instead of scratching th rashes and putting too much of aggressive things on your skin dry and use ice, try and use coconut oil , and a heating pad and rub it gently till the irritation goes away . take time to find out the reason of the rash. Once the reason is addressed, the rash will disappear automatically.


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