Tobacco for skin allergies and medications atopic dermatitis

Tobacco for skin allergies and medications

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Tobacco for skin allergies and medications
Tobacco for skin allergies and medications

The benefits of tobacco to health, most people consider that tobacco has a bad impact on health.

But be aware, it turns out that many researchers have proved that tobacco has many benefits for the health of the body when used properly.

Curious about anything? Here are some of the benefits of tobacco for health.

Used as flu medication, asthma, and tuberculosis
According to the Indian population, tobacco is very beneficial for clearing nasal passages. This will help you when exposed to the flu.

It’s easy; Combine tobacco with leaves from a desert plant, or an Indian root Balsam, and Leptotaenia Multifida.

Not only does it cure the flu, apparently all of it can help cure asthma and tuberculosis.

Used as toothpaste

Tobacco that is famous as a cigarette base material can also be used as toothpaste. Toothpaste made from tobacco is very beneficial to clean the teeth because the contents contained therein.

You can find it everywhere because this toothpaste is already marketed throughout the country. The Indialah community still uses this method.

Reduce insect bite pain and Rattlesnake
The nicotine content in tobacco is strongly believed to help relieve pain, help secrete toxins, and can cure poisonous snake bite wounds.

The way, after the poison is sucked out, the leaves of Kuni then wear wounds and bind with bandages. This method can also be used when the insect is stout.

Lowers the risk of joint switching operations
The benefits of tobacco on the health of this one are quoted from the University of Adelaide which appears in the Journal of Atrhritis and rheumatism.

It is called that men who smoke have a smaller risk of having a total joint operation than those who have never smoked.

This is because the content of nicotine in tobacco is able to prevent the breakdown of cartilage and joints.

Used as a toothache remedy
Not only can it be used as toothpaste, tobacco can also help relieve pain in the moment of toothache.

How to make tobacco as a poultice (viscous fluid) by destroying the leaves and placing them in the affected place to relieve medical problems.

After that, place the poultice on the mouth to reduce the pain in the teeth.

Used as a skin rash remedy, eczema, and rheumatism
Tobacco is also very beneficial for skin health, as it can soothe inflammation of the skin and relieve pain.

The way is almost the same as relieve the pain in the teeth, namely making tobacco in the form of a poultice (condensed liquid medicine).

Then you can apply it to the skin part that has the problem. It is believed to be skin problems.

That’s some of the benefits of tobacco for health that you need to know. Apparently tobacco not only gives such side effects circulating in the community. Tobacco also has many positive effects as well as for health.

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Always consult with your doctor or certified professional if you are in any way concerned about your health. All content in a healthy person’s channel is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for medical advice from your own physician or other health care professional.


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