What is the management of Scalp Psoriasis? – Dr. Rashmi Ravindra

In scalp psoriasis it could be different varieties. It could be either in mild, moderate or severe scalp psoriasis. So if it is a small area and mild scalp psoriasis, then topical treatments are preferred. Either topical coal tar preparations. Combination treatments area available with coal tar, salicylic acid, Vitamin D derivative, calcipotriol or Vitamin A derivative tazaroutine. So topical treatment, either a lotion kind or an ointment kind or a shampoo kind can be used. So short contact therapy, whereas application of such combination creams after half an hour or one hour, depending upon the severity, followed by a hair wash. If the area of the involvement is more, then we may consider using oral treatments. Oral there are so many medications available, methotrexate, Vitamin A derivatives. So depending upon the severity and the area of involvement, the topical treatment varies. One more therapy is the phototherapy. With laser or non-laser light source, phototherapy for extensive scalp psoriasis are available.


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