What is the cause of white spots on the skin? – Dr. Rasya Dixit

Often People ask me how do you treat white spots on the skin so for a dermatologist the first question is how long have these spots have been there, There is the distribution of the spots is it only on the face , is it face and the body or only on the body, what is the size of the spots. for the person the most important and probably the worrisome condition is vitiligo or leucoderma it is associates with lots of social stigma so they are trying to find out whether whatever white spots are they are actually vitiligo or not. But the diagnosis of vitiligo is very easy for dermatologist its is clinical diagnosis by examination of the patient we are able to diagnose, whether the person has a vitiligo or not. the first thing you should do if you feel that there is a white spot on the skin it has been there for long time is to go and get it checked by the doctor and then find out if it is vitiligo. Vitiligo is just one of many causes of white spots in the skin, if this white spots are mostly on the face especially common in children this could be something called P Alba which is problem which is very common in children , you too , sun exposure , dry skin and allergic tendency. this could also seen in adults as a very ill defined white spots on the face other cause could be Sun Allergy we call a reaction of a sun called polymorphous light eruption again in this condition you could get white patches of the skin , people who have lot of duct allergy they could also have dry patches on the skin which could white in color , if the patches are more on the legs and hands this patches could be being cause by again sun allergy or could be cause by some minor injury post traumatic hyperpigmentation. If you feel there is a white spot instead of rushing to conclusion might be a skin disease you have go to dermatologist seek some help they could guide you based on the location the morphology the appearance of the white spot and tell you exactly to be done to be treated in effected way.


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