Are homeopathic drugs safe during pregnancy? – Dr. Sanjay Panicker

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This is a very common query. Homeopathy is a natural medicine it is based on the entire constitution of the patient. The whole person’s case is studied. It does not have any adverse effects. These are medicines that corrects the entire body’s biological functions. So when we treat the case of headache, you are not treating the case of the head, but the entire case of the body biological functions and thus the headache also starts resolving. Even if you want to treat only the head, you have to say that the entire function of the body also improves. Otherwise the headache is not going to go permanently. It may get temporarily get relieved, but it will not go permanently. So if the permanent cure has to happen it is important to tackle the entire body’s functions. Nowadays the doctors are connecting like a case of allergic atopic dermatitis and many cases of chronic bronchitis are interconnected, so the patient may have an improvement in the skin problems and the respiratory problems are increased. Respiratory problems are better and skin problems are going worse. This connection was earlier not understood. In Ayurveda and homeopathy the connection has been understood as the entire body. So when the entire body is treated there is no medicine to be given part by part. So automatically there is an improvement in the entire health. So if there is a tendency for abortion also it gets corrected and when they are on homeopathic medicines, the pregnancy becomes easy to tackle and don’t go in for repeated abortions and the baby gets delivered healthily. Homeopathic medicines are made from natural substances. Like tulsi, it cannot cause any harm to the body and that too in high dilutions. Homeopathy works holistically to correct the entre body’s functions. So it is safe and the only safe medicine during medicine.


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