DRY SKIN – is one of the common triggers of ECZEMA!⁠

DRY SKIN – is one of the common triggers of ECZEMA!⁠

When your skin or your baby’s skin gets too dry, it can easily become brittle, scaly, rough, or tight, which can lead to an eczema flare-up. That’s the reason we advise you to keep the skin filled up with moisture with the help of GNST Range!⁠

Step1: Coco Bath & Shampoo⁠

Step2: Coco Soothing Gel⁠

Step3: Coco Body Lotion⁠

Step4: Coco Cream⁠

And, don’t forget to look at how much these 4 steps have helped cure this cute baby here! Moisturizing is key for healthy skin! ⁠

Please try our GNST range by grabbing them all @ your Cocomo and saving big on your loved ones’ health and also time and money


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