Hey there our lovely viewers, In this video we have discussed effective ways to treat eczema. If you like our content please do subscribe our channel for more healthy content.


Intro – 0:00
Subscribe our channel – 0:47

1. Moisturize your skin at least twice a day – 0:53
2. Apply anti-itch cream to the affected area – 1:25
3. Taking oral anti-allergy medicine – 1:53
4. Take a warm bath – 2:42
5. Wet dressings – 3:17


1. Moisturize your skin at least twice a day:

First thing first, find the best product combination that works. Depending on your skin type, you might try cream, bath oil, sprays or ointment. Find a product or combination of products that works for you. Moisturizing twice with ointment can reduce itchiness and burning sensation caused by eczema. For a child, the twice-a-day regimen might be an ointment before bedtime and a cream before school.

2. Apply anti-itch cream to the affected area:

After moisturizing the area affected by eczema, apply a non-itch cream that has 1% hydrocortisone. This helps to relieve itching. Make sure you don’t apply it more than twice a day. The medicated cream is applied first to help the anti-itch cream to penetrate better. Once you start to see improvement in the symptoms, use the cream less to avoid flare-ups.

3. Take an oral allergy:

This is one of the tried-and-true treatment for eczema. Options include nonprescription allergy medicines (antihistamines) such as cetirizine or fexofenadine. Although diphenhydramine causes drowsiness, it may be helpful if itching is severe. So, it’s better taken before bedtime. Instead of scratching the affected area, try pressing on the skin. If you can’t resist scratching it, cover it up. Apply bandage to protect the skin and prevent scratching. For children, it might help to trim their nails and have them wear gloves at night.

Before we continue, do you desire an ageless, flawless skin? If yes, then this video is for you: 5 Anti-aging drinks that keep you young.

4. Take a warm bath:

Are you aware that taking a warm bath can make a big difference in your eczema treatment routine. In fact, sprinkling baking soda or uncooked oatmeal into your bathing water is one of the effective home remedies for eczema you really need to try out. Just soak for 10 to 15 minutes and pat dry. Well, you can as well apply moisturizer while the skin is still damp. Trust me, you will feel relieved from those embarrassing itching all through the day. It’s time to have a warm bath, right? Wait. Finish the video first.

5. Wet dressings:

Apart from taking a warm bath and moisturizing, wet dressings work wonders in the treatment of eczema. You might need a doctor or nurse to apply them at first. They will spread a corticosteroid cream on the affected area and cover it with a wet bandage. After that, the wet bandage would be covered with a dry bandage. The doctor can as well show you how to apply them at home.

Are you experiencing eczema? Let us know in the comment section. You can also share with us your own secret natural home remedies for eczema.

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