Causes of Eczema | Tips and tricks on how To treat eczema

Causes Of Eczema symptoms, dry, itchy, pus, cracked skin? The bad news! With Eczema we don’t actually have a treatment to cure the condition.

This video is on what causes of eczema, eczema treatment, eczema cream, eczema on face and hands.

So without further ado, let’s begin.. So what is excellent? Well, there’s. Many different types of eczema, Probably the most common type of eczema – is what we call atopic eczema or atopic dermatitis, where the symptoms are dry, skin, itchy, skin, cracked, skin.

These are common symptoms. Now eczema is more commonly seen in children, but you can get it when you’re, an adult as well, And it’s. What we call a chronic condition., So it’s, a long-term condition that you need to control.

But some people do grow out of eczema

But some people do grow out of eczema So as they get older from childhood to adult, they do grow out of eczema and no longer get it now. That’s, a very brief explanation causes of eczema, but the reason that kept it brief is that you probably searched up for this video to find out on tips and tricks on how To treat eczema.

So you probably know all about the condition, But in case you don’t know about the condition fully. I will leave more information in the description below So feel free to check it out for more information.

So let’s talk a little about treatments now. Firstly, the bad news. Is that with Eczema we don’t actually have a treatment that’s, going to cure the condition, and what I mean by that is Let’s, say, for example, you had a chest infection.

You go to a doctor, They might give you antibiotics and if they do, the antibiotics is gonna, kill the bacteria and it’s going to get rid of that. We don’t have a cure, so we don’t have something that’s, going to stop and cure the itching We don’t have something that’s, going to stop and cure the dry skin.

But what we do have is many different treatments: that’s, going to help control the symptoms and over time It’s, going to help improve them too.  And before we go into treatments and creams. Because we’re, going into lots of detail on that, The first tip, if you want to call it that I’m, going to give you is all about vitamin D.

All about vitamin D

There’s, been some really new, exciting research done, and it has been a link found between the Causes of Eczema and low vitamin D levels and Worsening symptoms of eczema, okay. So this is definitely something that’s worth maybe discussing with your healthcare professional.

If your symptoms are worsening in the UK, The Department of Health recommends that all patients – everyone takes a vitamin D supplement Between October to March, and that’s. Basically, because we don’t get enough sunlight during those months.

So best thing to do is speak to you pharmacist about them., See if you’re safe and suitable to take them, You can buy them over-the-counter and it can give you the Recommended dose for an adult or a child or whoever.

I will also leave more information in the description below about this. For you, Too now Let’s, move on to emollients the most important part of eczema Treatment, because what the ammonia is going to do.

Is it’s, going to produce an oily layer on your skin and it’s, going to hold And trap that moisture in your skin.? So it’s, going to help improve your symptoms and help reduce your symptoms from getting worse now, one thing that’s really important is that Your dermatologist or your doctor, or whoever gives you a sample pack of emollients.

This is very common practice and they will usually have this. They give you a sample pack of different emollients to try. See which one works for you, and also to make sure that you don”t react to them, so see which one works.

For you make sure you don’t react to any of them., But make sure that you really like that. I’m early and make sure you, like the texture of it., Make sure you, like the smell of it, Make sure you like the feel of it.

This is really important now. The reason I said you really need to like your emollient is because you’re, going to be using a lot of it and to get the most out of it. You need to be using it at least twice a day, But if your ex mate is flaring up, so your symptoms are getting worse.

You need to be using your emollient, Probably every two hours and also interviews in quite a lot of a million, So it’s actually recommended. Then adult uses 500 grams of ammonium per week.. That’s right 500 grams or one big tub is usually 500 grams and for children is recommended that use 250 grams per week.

Emollients are highly underused

So, as you can see, Emollients are highly underused.. I sit in practice all the time, patience always wanting steroid creams. Instead, you know, But they really should be using your Emollient to prevent your symptoms from getting worse and over time.

It will help improve your symptoms. I did tell you this is going to be a big topic, but staying on Emollients a few of the tips when using it always apply it in the direction of hair growth. This is to avoid blocking hair, follicles and don’t.

Rub it on vigorously because this can actually trigger an itch, and that can make your Eczema worse if you are prescribed a topical steroid cream or ointment Continue using Remo Liam don’t stop using your emollient and there’s.

No actual rule which one to apply first, We’ll, just leave about 20 to 30 minutes between your emollient and steroid, and it’s, going to prevent it from Diluting and once again staying on the topic of emollients.

If you do use aqueous cream, please stop using it. It actually makes eczema worse. It contains something or SLS which that’s with sodium lauryl sulfate, and it makes sex more worse. You might already know about this, but if you don’t, please stop using it and also It’s, a good idea to use your emoliant as a soap substitute.

This can make a big difference and when you do come out the shower, Pat your skin dry with a very soft towel. This can help and then reapply your amoliant everywhere immediately. These can all help. Please also Remember that there is a fire risk associated with paraffin based emollients, most emollients do contain paraffin, And the paraffin is actually responsible for that greasy layer that we get on the skin.

That’s, going to help the causes of eczema. Now the paraffin can slowly seep in your clothes and your bedding and if it touches your skin really and then that material Can then become a lot more flammable. So if you do smoke or if you have any soft open fire source And it gets on that material it can, it can ignite a lot quicker and burn a lot stronger.

So be aware of that, I did make a video about this not long ago on what to do to reduce the risk. One of the most important things that you can do is wash your clothes and bedding, Often in a really high temperature wash trying at that part for now and also avoid an open fire sauce.

You know if someone smells avoid them any sort of open fire source. Just avoid it to reduce your risk. I hope this hasn ‘ T, put you off using your amoliant. This risk has been. You know something for a long time, But it’s good for you to be aware of it to reduce your risk.

Thank you for your comment. I really hope my little eczema factsheet video, helps you and helps anyone watching this video. Really. But if you do have any of your own tips, please leave a comment below I’d love to read it.

If I missed your question, if I miss your comment, I’m, really sorry.. We are getting so many comments, these days., So it’s quite hard to get back to everyone. So, as I say every single week, if I miss your comment, Please leave another comment and I try my best to get back to you in another episode of responding to your comments.

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