[Parents Tips (Eczema) EP01 – Lotion Part 1] How to choose lotion good for eczema kids? WHY?

Part 2 on Parents Tips (Eczema) – Lotion Part 2:

Why need to put lotion on for eczema kids? How to choose the good one and what need to be careful when choose lotion?

Me and my wife try lot of the method try to heal our kids eczema but not success then our friend told us put more lotion will help. Then we try over 20+ different types and brands lotion but not really gave the good result. Then we find out our kids allergy to some of them.

Then we try to find the lotion without that ingredient. However it still not what we hope it will be. Finally we find out another thing we need to be careful when we choose the lotion.

Which is first need to make sure your kids not allergy to the lotion. Then make sure the lotion is NO Fragrance.

I will show the lotion my kids are using now. This is NOT Ad or sponsor I just try to give out the good lotion we use and hope will help you.

This video will have part 2 and the link is above. I hope to see you in Part 2.

Part 2 I will explain why I choose those 2 lotions and then how to choose lip balm for kid has eczema.


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