耳朵里面痒是什么原因 王美荣 武汉市第五医院

耳朵里面痒是什么原因 王美荣 武汉市第五医院

What is the cause of itching in the ear
There are many reasons for itching, The most common cause is some inflammation or eczema in the external auditory canal. In children, eczema in the external auditory canal is more common, Or some allergic reaction. Adults are more common, It’s a fungal infection of the outer ear canal. There are also some people whose habits are not very good, I always like to dig my ears, The skin of the external auditory canal is actually a protective barrier, If you have long-term ear stimulation, It is more likely to cause infection of the external auditory canal, Cause ear itching and earache. There are other reasons, of course, For example, some foreign bodies in the external auditory canal, There are also diseases with people. People with diabetes, for example, People with pruritus, He can also cause ear itching. There are also neurological and vascular diseases, Causes itching in an external auditory canal.


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