Sherlock Your Skin (Eczema Skinvestigation) Day 4: Food (And Food Allergies)

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On today’s episode of Sherlock Your Skin (Eczema Skinvesigation), we go over the relationship between eczema and Food. Food allergies, triggers, and how we can use diet to our healing advantage.

This is a topic that runs deep, because if you ever have food allergy-triggered eczema rashes like I have, the paranoia around what kind of food will or will not trigger you can be enough to make one go crazy. Similarly to cosmetics, it’s not always easy to avoid the things you know are bad for you because of so many fillers, preservatives and mystery ingredients in many foods. When you’re hungry, you just want to feel safe and nourished, but many times you can feel full and then have it be followed up with immense pain, itchiness, and swelling. It can almost make one want to starve themselves and avoid it all together. But then, you run the risk of malnourishment and missing out on important vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.

There’s also the emotional element to food, especially around the normalization of alcohol and dairy at every meal, birthdays, and holidays. Those foods are so glorified, yet are two of the MOST inflammatory foods that will guarantee you a rash outbreak! That is not normal to have food harm you so much. You’re supposed to eat food and become healthier, not more damaged and in pain. So, no, alcohol and dairy at every meal is not normal. There’s plenty of other healthy food that we need to have at every meal. The ones with real nutritional value and trace minerals like fruits, veggies, legumes, and some grains. When it comes to food and eczema, It can become an abusive relationship where we choose to eat the things we know will hurt us either out of denial, pride, or peer pressure.

If you know someone with eczema and genuinely care about them, DO NOT make them feel bad or weak for choosing to not consume alcohol or dairy. Even if you baked it. Even if you bought it. If you love them, you’ll support whatever they need to do to heal and feel happy. Give those acidic foods to someone else who won’t suffer or eat them yourself. Spare us. Help us help ourselves. Be a part of the solution, not an addition to the problem.

If you’d like to learn more about what you can do to help yourself when it comes to food and treating your eczema, click in the link in my bio to watch the video!

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Thank you for watching and wishing you much healing!

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Much appreciation and gratitude for stopping by! Stay safe, healthy and protected!


Teresa “Terry” Alabata
Eczema Phoenix
Sensitive Skin Advocate & Educator

Find me on Instagram and Twitter @eczemaphoenix


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