Eczema Itch and Covid-19 | Home Remedies to avoid the itch


Eczema Itch and Covid-19. What to do when you’re feeling really itchy and at the beginning of a flare-up. 3 Things to have on hand for quick help.

Hey everyone. This is dr. Peter Leo, and I want to talk about some home remedies for what to do when you’re feeling really itchy and at the beginning of a flare-up.
Sometimes you have your medications that you’re either using or sometimes you can’t get them at the moment, and we need to have some things on hand, especially during this time, when we’re, being isolated and and doing social distancing that we can do on our own. 3 Eczema Itch and Covid-19 things that I think can help a lot of patients. 

  1. Getting some cooling ice packs.

Obviously, we want to put ice directly on the skin that could be uncomfortable, but putting it in a towel or a cloth and actually cooling the skin down with ice packs or frozen peas. That can be incredibly soothing if there’s more localized itch a lot of my patients really find that that’s helpful.

2. A Really Good Compress

The next thing that I find can be really good is to do a compress, so a cooling compress can be made with a number of different things. You can even just use water on a soft cloth and then gently put it to those itchy areas.

For a few moments that cooling soothing effect is really helpful in that same group there we also have the old fashioned remedy. Calamine lotion. Calamine lotion is generally well tolerated. Very few people get allergic or irritated by it, although we want to make sure it’s, true calamine.

Sometimes they make one that has an antihistamine in there and sometimes people get allergic to the antihistamine. So we want just plain calamine lotion, very cooling and soothing it’s, lovely on the skin.

Also consider wet wraps

Another thing that is in that same group would be to do a wet wrap and for those who’ve, never heard of a wet wrap. They sound kind of crazy, but it’s, really just a compress that stays on for longer.

When you think about it, my favorite way to do a wet wrap is to take a quick shower or bath pop out, while the skin is still damp. You can put your moisturizer on and then you actually take a damp layer, so this could be.

If you’re, going to use a lot of times, I’ll. Have people just take an old sock clean, but an old sock and cut it so that it’s like a tube that in the sink ring it out, so it’s damp. Then you slide that up over the areas that you’re having trouble, so it’s a little bit damp, not dripping wet but a little damp.

And then maybe you put on a sweatshirt some people if their whole bodies involved. They’ll, actually put on a pair of damp long underwear, so you can literally, instead of just one area. You could cover the whole body with damp clothing over the moisturizer or the medicine, and then you’d.

Put again nice warm clothes over that, like a usually a sweatshirt and sweatpants, is a really nice way to do it. So you stay toasty warm and keep the room or the house nice and warm. I don’t want anyone to catch a chill that way.

3. Use an acupressure point Eczema Itch and Covid-19

The third thing that I recommend to some patients is to use an acupressure point, so it turns out. We actually did a very small pilot study about this and it really did seem to work. We have patients, do acupressure to the point on their arm called large, intestine 11, and this is a neat little point.

The way you find it is you kind of flex your arm and you get the crook of the elbow there and you just kind of follow with your finger out till it fits in that little divot there’s like a little divot in there.

So follow the crook to that divot and then a gentle pressure right there, gentle pressure, little circles or a little pressure, and that actually does seem to help with itch for some people at least temporarily, and you can do that as much as you like.

It’s very safe, we didn’t find any side-effects, so those are three simple things we can do if you’re feeling really itchy at home, of course, reach out to your doctor. We are closed. Our office is closed right now, but we’re, seeing telemedicine patients and we’re, certainly talking a lot by phone and by our patient portal.

So I think most offices are doing something like this. Eczema Itch and Covid-19 I don’t, want you to suffer in silence and feel free to reach out and in the meantime, everyone be well take care of. We’ll talk to you at the next one.

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