All about Eczema – Dr. Govind Mittal

Eczema or dermatitis is a chronic condition of the skin, which is quite frustrating to the patient. It is usually recurrent and is characterized by itchy areas or itchy plaques, which often have cracks that ooze yellowish colour liquid, which is commonly propagated by an itch, scratch cycle. The more you scratch, the more the eczema worsens and the longer it lasts. Eczema could be of several kind such as seborrehoic dermatitis, nummular eczema, asteatotic eczema, stasis eczema. But most importantly and commonly we have a condition called as atopic dermatitis or atopic eczema, as well as allergic contact dermatitis or contact eczema. Atopic dermatitis is a common condition that occurs in people who are predisposed to it. The associated conditions of dust allergy, allergic rhinitis or asthma may be found in patients or in patients first degree blood relatives. This condition commonly starts in childhood and involves the skin of the face, skin of the joints, and some patients may involve the entire body. Contact dermatitis may be allergic contact dermatitis or airborne contact dermatitis. It is usually associated with a particular substance that an individual that a person is susceptible to or allergic to. For examples on people may be susceptible to the nickel component in artificial jewellery. Some people may be allergic to chemicals in hair dye and so on and so forth. It is important to understand that what is causing the eczema and what is the etiology behind it. If a trigger has been identified, then diagnosis is made, then it is easier to treat eczema. Patients will have results much earlier. Commonly we use topical steroid creams, topical calcineurin inhibitors, and other supportive medications to treat eczema. Unless the eczema is severe, oral or systemic agents are not used commonly. Even treatment such as light treatments or phototherapy may be used in eczema. However the most important agent in the treatment of any eczema is a good moisturizer. Moisturizing skin on a regular basis is a rule of the thumb for any patient with eczema. Also it is important to use the right moisturizer. It is better to avoid commercial soaps, shampoos, creams as well as strong fragrances which may cause allergies in susceptible patients especially patients who are having atopic eczema. Also patients who are having hand eczema, who are susceptible to using of strong detergents, soap bars which are used for washing clothes as well as utensils. Home care suggested if to avoid the triggering factor. If you have identified what triggers the eczema, avoid it and that is a treatment of eczema. Secondly use a moisturizer, a good bland, non-fragrant moisturizer on a regular basis, which may even involve a two or a three or four times moisturizing regime. It is important in certain patients with dry skin. Thirdly do not avoid eczema. Allow it to exacerbate or accentuate where treatment becomes tougher. When eczema starts worsening or starts appearing it is time to meet your doctor.


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