“EXCUSE ME DOCTOR with DR. MEL” : Clearing the Air: Winning the Allergy War

Join Dr. Mel and the crew in this engaging episode, “Clearing the Air: Winning the Allergy War.” as they dive deep into the realm of allergies with our special guest, Dr. Elena Reece, a renowned allergist and immunologist from Howard University.

With host Dr. Mel, Dr. Reece unpacks the mysteries surrounding allergies, addressing common misconceptions and shedding light on allergic reactions and their impact on the immune system. Tune in as they discuss the coexistence of asthma and allergies, offering invaluable insights into prevention, management, and personalized treatment plans.

Explore practical strategies for navigating allergy season, creating allergen-free environments at home, and identifying triggers for more severe allergic reactions. Discover the crucial role of environmental factors and the influence of nutrition on allergy management alongside the often-overlooked connection between poorly managed allergic asthma and mental health.

Join us on “Excuse Me Doctor with Dr. Mel” as we empower you with the knowledge and tools to conquer allergies and reclaim control of your health and well-being!
Monday 8 pm ET 5 pm PT


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