10 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Face Pigmentation For Good

Is apple cider vinegar effective? What about aloe vera? Milk for the skin? In this video we will be talking about all this and more, so stay tuned!

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#FacePigmentation #HomeRemedies #Bestie


Intro – 0:00
Red onion – 02:26
Aloe vera – 03:00
Apple cider vinegar – 03:39
Black tea water – 04:09
Oatmeal – 04:39
Tomato paste – 05:10
Licorice extract – 05:40
Milk – 06:16
Potato – 06:55
Almond paste – 07:25


1. Red Onion
Red onion is one of the most common ingredients found in scar lightening creams. In fact the rich vitamin C content helps greatly in treating pigmentation. The antioxidants present gets rid of lifeless, dull skin and offers a real beauty boost!

2. Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is one ingredient that makes a regular appearance in numerous home remedies, including skin pigmentation. The active component in aloe is called aloin which is a depigmentation agent. It even speeds up the replacing of old hyperpigmented skin cells with new ones, leaving the skin looking not just evenly toned but also glowing and healthy.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar
From helping digestion to improving skin condition, is there anything ACV can’t do? If you are looking to get rid of skin pigmentation or any other skin issue, then this will be a blessing for you.

4. Black Tea Water
Black tea is more than just a healthy drink to start your day with. Its extracts are rich in natural antioxidants and have several skin cleaning properties including the ability to get rid of blemishes causing toxins.

For more information, please watch the video until the very end.
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