5 Things You Need in Your Natural Health Medicine Cabinet with Elizabeth Parsons (S5, E16)

Ever wondered how to switch up your medicine cabinet, in simple ways, to make it more naturally healthy? Ever wanted to talk to a pediatric nurse who was more interested in natural ways to help your child’s heath than telling you the solution is simply to buy more pharmaceuticals?

In this episode with Elizabeth Parsons, of purelyparsons, we dive into all this and lots more.

5 Things You Need in Your Natural Health Medicine Cabinet (S5 E16)

In this episode:

The slow process that led a pediatric nurse of almost a decade to leave the medical industry and embrace a more holistic, natural view of her family’s health
why should we even care about using natural health remedies?
What are some medicine cabinet essentials, that everyone should have?
Tips to be more successful in treating ailments naturally
Treating respiratory issues and coughs naturally
Treating fevers naturally

Resources mentioned in this episode:

Essentials for a natural health medicine cabinet:

calendula salve (code SOULYRESTED saves 10%)

coconut oil

apple cider vinegar

essential oils (code SOULYRESTED saves 20%)

bentonite clay (code SOULYRESTED saves 15%)

Tips for Better Sleep-podcast episode with renowned sleep scientist

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