Does prolonged use of oral contraceptive pills lead to Infertility – Dr. Daksha M Bakre

The cause for infertility can be divided into 4 broad categories, the female factor infertility, male factor infertility or combined male and female factor infertility and unexplained infertility. the female factor infertility can be divided into further divided into anatomical causes which includes abnormality of the uterus, vagina, tubes or ovaries like huge uterine fibroids, uterine malformations like septate uterus, accuate uterus, bicornuate uterus, tubal abnormalities like hydrosalpinges or any abnormal scarring of the tubes or ovarian abnormalities like huge dermoid cyst or endometriotic cysts. It can also be caused because of hormonal factors like PCODs , hypothyroidism, hypoprolactinemia,, excessive weight gain, smoking, poor nutritional status, obesity, infections, Vitamin D3 deficiency. It can also be caused because of lack of intercourse at the right time. The female factor infertility can be assessed and cured according to the cause. Some of the cause however cannot be cured. That includes genetic causes where the egg growth is not possible. The male factor infertility may be because of a poor semen analysis which includes a poor sperm count or a poor sperm motility. It could also be because of chronic infections, chronic medical conditions like diabetes, hypertension. It can be because of lifestyle like smoking, alcohol, obesity, lack of exercise, stress. The unexplained infertility cannot be fit into male factor infertility or female factor infertility and is a little bit more difficult to treat.


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