Seasonal Allergies? Your Bucket’s Full

How full is your histamine bucket?

Histamine Intolerance is about your histamine bucket.

Your histamine bucket is overflowing if you’re struggling with seasonal allergies, nosebleeds, itchy skin, headaches and migraines, interstitial cystitis, reflux, itchy eyes, sensitive to dust mites, pet allergies, asthma, eczema and most pregnancy complications.

Your histamine bucket is looking pretty good if you’re not experiencing any of those things.

Now are you experiencing multiple of those things in the list above?

Well. They’re all related.

Most of you are seeing a doctor to treat each of these things separately.

I’ve got news for you. Someone once told me ‘blood flows everywhere’

So why are we specializing in body parts and bodily systems?

Reductionist thinking is truly stupid.

Everything affects everything.

Today, I was reminded of this.

Here’s what I did to clean my family’s histamine bucket.

Every action you take and decision you make either fills your histamine bucket or drains it a bit.

Ways to support your histamine bucket is clean air, clean water, good moods, quality sleep, great community, hobbies, sauna, mild exercise and whole foods.

Targeted supplements also help. Histamine Block Plus supports healthy histamine levels.* How? It supplies the needed nutrients for your histamine clearing enzymes. If your histamine enzymes are dirty due to poor nutrition, they don’t function. If your histamine clearing enzymes don’t function, well, your histamine bucket fills up.

Here’s where you can get Histamine Block Plus

Change your air filter. Use Merv 11 or higher.

Here’s some Merv 13 filters on Amazon:

Clean your air ducts professionally.

If you’re looking for effective histamine support. I’d have to say that my company, are the absolute leaders.

Consider using Histamine Block Plus one or more times a day as needed. Adding in HistaminX to support the healthy storage of histamine* is a great synergistic approach. Better yet, supporting your microbiome with Probiota HistaminX one serving after dinner.

Histamine intolerance doesn’t have to be a lifelong issue. I’m living proof of it. I was a disaster.

I want you feeling free aa well. Empty your bucket. Go change your air filter and call in a professional to clean your ducts.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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