How to treat dry/Eczema skin in babies 2020 ( try this today).

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hit the notification button, to be notified of my next video, let’s roll out dry #skin in babies together.
with my #secrets, #tips.
As a mother of babies, I know and understand that there are so many things you have to go through even before the baby turns one, you are constantly worried about what and what not to do, most especially when you are far away from your family or parents and you are abroad.
one of the worries is the baby’s skin presentation from

Dry skin
Eczema in babies and many others…….

The best skin products
o use and not the general ones that is no longer working.
Babies #skin is particularly important because that’s what everyone outside get to see first before even saying hello.

As a nurse I have decided so share some tips that I have tested and I know it works with you.
* some of these products are
Acqua max, others you will find in the video,

do watch till the end because I know it will benefit you and wipe some tears from your worry eyes.

**main #secret- is be patient, it can take 2 to 5 days to a week before Eczema rash clears off coupled with your feeding and drinking habits.
“remember what works for one might not work for the other but its worth trying”
I know you are going to see a max.differences in a couple of days.

2nd #secret- don’t just pour the LPL 63 into the bathing water, use it as an emollient on the baby’s skin top to bottom before washing with lukewarm water using soft flannel leaving your baby’s skin smooth and slippery.
#NOTE; make sure you hold your baby with care #please and #please.

3rd #secret- Dont over scrub your baby’s skin, one bath a day is enough, sometimes wash with your palm and not flannel, babies and everybody enjoys it when you rub your hands around their skin as babies are always covered and not dirty.

Comments down below, tell me the products that works best for you and let’s help others together.

Watch my next video, let’s talk about what you should not eat and drink for maximum results, believe you me, it works.

Make sure you like, share and subscribe. Also
hit the notification button, to be notified of my next video, let’s roll out dry skin in babies together.

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camera Samsung tab 10
Editing with filmora.


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