Remedy for pigmentation on neck during pregnancy – Dr. Rajdeep Mysore

In pregnancy other than the weight the person puts on there are many other problems one of this is the skin problems where they get pigmentation in different areas of the body. Pigmentation can develop in cheeks called melasma or as acanathosis that is thickening of the skin. It can be on the areola, which is due to hormone. So what do we do for acanathosis or pigmentation on the neck? This can occur in pregnancy or if person puts on too much of weight or paarans can also have acnathosis or darkening of skin. So we give certain creams that reduce the thickness of the skin. We advice certain diet that is similar to the diet that diabetic take. If the patient is not responding very well to creams we give them chemical peels, if they are responding well to peels the we do laser. There are different options available. 90% of the time these cam be treaeted with creams. Other procedures like peels or laser are required only in 10% of the times.


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