DIY Body Cream with Beeswax and Shea Butter

This rich and nourishing beeswax and shea butter body cream is perfect for dry or sensitive skin and easier to make than you think.

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Here’s what you’ll need!

140 grams distilled water
16 grams almond oil (
8 grams shea butter (
8 grams beeswax (
14 grams stearic acid (
14 grams polawax (
2 grams phenonip (
2 grams fragrance of your choice (Nurture Soap and Brambleberry are great sources for fragrance oils)

Stick blender
Shallow mason jar or body cream jar
Pyrex measuring cups or other microwave safe containers
Digital scale that measures in grams

Measure all the ingredients using a digital scale. Prepare your stick blender and jar by washing in hot water.
Place the stearic acid, polawax, beeswax, shea butter, and apricot kernel oil in a microwave safe container and heat in the microwave until contents are throughly melted and about 170 degrees. Place the water in a separate microwave safe container and microwave until also 170 degrees. Recheck the temperatures of both containers before blending.
Pour the oils into the water and blend with a stick blender, blending for 20 seconds on, then 20 seconds off. At first the mixture will seem thick and bubbly, but as it cools it will thicken. Very suddenly, it will change texture and become body. cream.
Add the preservative and fragrance once the correct texture is reached. Blend it in briefly using the stick blender.
Transfer to a very clean container. Stores well for at least 6 months.

Want to make an easier body cream without the emulsifiers and preservatives?

Looking for a lighter pumpable lotion?
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