Simplify Your Peri/Menopausal Skincare: Less is More

Here are additional tips to follow if you have menopausal dry, sensitive, thinning skin issues like myself, here’s a morning and evening skincare routine to follow.

Step 1. Start with beauty from the inside out by taking Ooh La La beauty supplements with breakfast.

Step 2: Cleanse face. To avoid skin irritation make sure your cleanser does not contain SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate).

Step 3: Serum (optional)
When dealing with multiple skin concerns, like hyperpigmentation, redness, and sensitivity, it’s essential to remember that you can’t address them all at once. Your first focus should be on alleviating sensitivity. Rushing into using active ingredients to target wrinkles or dark spots without addressing sensitivity can lead to skin issues.

Achieving beautiful skin begins with getting your skin to a healthy state.

The good news is that you don’t have to wait to address your skincare concerns, especially when incorporating beauty supplements. For instance, you can use “Bye Bye Dark Spots Hello Clear Skin” to tackle hyperpigmentation, while “Look & Feel Younger” provides the vital hydration your skin needs for healing.

It’s all about prioritizing your skin’s health, step by step, for truly amazing results! ✨🌼💧

Step 4: Moisturizer
Look for a fragrance-free moiturizer to avoid any skin irritation. Apply moisturize all over your face, eyes & neck. You don’t need an eye cream. Use your face moisturizer instead.

Step 5: Pat facial oil (optional)
Oils nourish the skin and lock in moisture especially during the winter months. Rosehip oil or jojoba oil are great for dry skin.

Step 6: SPF for daytime
Will you adopt a less is more skincare routine? Comment below.


Check out our Menopause Multitasking Marvel Look & Feel Younger

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