Can Dry Fasting Help Eczema and Psoriasis? Dr. Sergei Filonov Explains How a Dry Fast Helps The Skin

In this video, I share with you the answers to your questions: “Can Dry Fasting Help Eczema?” and “Can Dry Fasting Help Psoriasis?” Eczema and psoriasis are separate conditions, although they share some similar symptoms. However, on his website, Dr. Filonov, the world’s leading DRY FASTING EXPERT and a physician who’s helped more than 15,000 patients from all over the world heal by dry fasting, he addresses both of these skin conditions on the same webpage as the same group of symptoms that dry fasting can help:

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My translation: What does fasting do for the skin? Dry fasting reduced your skin’s excretory load! Dry fasting normalizes the functioning of the body. Dry fasting improves the blood flow to every cell, including the cells of your skin. Dry fasting provides holistic cleansing for the entire body on the cellular level. Dry fasting improves the functioning of the immune system. Dry fasting normalizes all metabolic processes in the body. How long you’ll need to dry fast depends on the conditions of your health. It’s highly likely that you might need a few courses of fractional dry fasting lasting 7-9 days with a healthy nutritious diet in between.

I personally interviewed Dr. Sergei Filonov about dry fasting on 6/2/21:

Favorite books about dry fasting by Dr. Filonov
“20 Questions & Answers About Dry Fasting”
“Before Dry Fasting”

Here’s where I translated Dr. Filonov’s work about a dry fast

Here is my entire collection of articles about therapeutic fasting:

How To Dry Fast: 3 Dry Fasting Protocols by Dr. Filonov for Weight Loss, Mental Health and Lifestyle

My 3 Day Dry Fast Vlog PLUS Dry Fasting Weight Loss Results Before and After: SHOCKING TRANSFORMATION!

48 Hour Dry Fast: Lost 6.5 lb in 2 Days! Dry Fasting Results Before and After

What Are Dry Fasting Benefits?

3 Spiritual Benefits of Dry Fasting

10 Benefits of Dry Fasting for Mental Health

15 Benefits of a Dry Fast

3 Dry Fasting Mistakes

I am not a fasting guru, doctor, nurse, or mental health professional. I share content for general information purposes only and do not provide medical or Christian mental advice. If you apply what I share, you are responsible for your own results. This channel exists to encourage and empower Christian women by sharing the same comfort I myself received from God on my own narcissistic abuse trauma recovery journey (2 Corinthians 1:3-5). Some links here may be affiliate and I may receive a small commission if you click on them.

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My name is Anna Szabo. The purpose of my life is to help you create a joyful life by embracing God’s word. I make Christian videos about the 6 pillars of joyful living: faith, food, fitness, finances, felicity, and fortitude. My heart’s desire is to encourage and empower Christian women who experienced narcissistic abuse trauma. I share my life story to give God all the honor and glory!

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