Are you beautiful even when you have eczema?

– Today I talk about an important struggle that many eczema sufferers go through: the struggle of feeling/looking great when you have eczema. Here’s a quote I love: “If the words that you spoke about yourself appeared on your skin, would you still feel beautiful?” This video is about how you can instil more positivity into your life when you’re living with eczema/dermatitis.

Click here to learn more about the 3 eBooks I’ve written on eczema, which can be purchased on my site: “Healing Eczema: Why Diet Is Not Enough,” “My Personalized Eczema Healing Treatment Plan,” & “The Power of Thoughts: How Mindset Shifts Can Help Eliminate Eczema” –

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Thanks for watching! xo

Disclaimer: These opinions are not meant to substituted as medical advice. Please consult your medical practitioner for more medical advice.


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