What causes chronic body odor & how to treat it? – Dr. Anantharaman Ramakrishnan

Body odor is produced by the action of bacteria on sweat, so the mechanism says that any person producing more sweat or any person who is having more bacteria on the body can have abnormal body odor. There is no appropriate treatment for body odor, we can prevent body odor by general hygiene and better deodorants. Some conditions are associated with excessive sweating and body odor common in them is obesity, so obesity itself or insulin resistance and related conditions leads to excessive sweating which leads to excessive body odor because of poor hygiene associated with it. Apart from that there is no link between any endocrine problem and body odor. Body odor is generally very distressing problem but it does not have any endocrine basis. But this can be treated with better hygiene and use of deodorants.


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