The Second Biological Law of Germanic Healing Knowledge

This video is part of a video series. To watch the previous video, visit:


This explanation is very basic, and gets MUCH more intricate than this…

When we’re well, we move through a 24hr circadian rhythm day & night (homeostasis). We live in this state until we experience a conflict shock (1st biological law, see 2 posts back). A conflict shock is when we’re confronted with an unexpected, unanticipated stressful experience. As soon as this happens, we enter the sympathetic nervous system (survival mode).

The psyche sends a message to the brain, where a circular marking is formed and can be seen in a CT scan. The brain then sends a message to a specific organ or tissue that instantly initiates 1 of 3 biological programs to help us “survive” the conflict. These programs will either be:
1. cell proliferation (growth) in a particular organ
2. Cell loss in the affected organ
3. Temporary loss of functioning or hyper-functioning of an organ

Imagine an argument with a friend. The fight really bothers you, so you’re “conflict active”. 2 weeks later you reconnect, talk it out, forgive each other and the situation is resolved. Once the conflict is resolved, the body moves into the healing phase, and we enter the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest).

During this phase, whatever happened in the conflict active phase is going to switch so we move back into homeostasis.

✨If we proliferated cells in the conflict active phase, those cells will now be broken down. They’re no longer needed
✨If we lost cells, the cells will be replenished in this phase
✨If we lost functioning of an organ, we’ll regain functioning in this phase

Regardless of which program is running, we may experience pain, swelling and inflammation at this point. Allopathic medicine labels this as “sickness”. At this point, edema/fluid will be found in the circular marking of the brain and the affected organ (because healing occurs in a fluid environment).

Once we complete the healing needed for homeostasis, we experience an epi-crisis, which is the peak of healing/sickness. The body then releases the edema from the brain & organ.

We then move into the 2nd part of healing which, once complete, we feel better again and move back to our regular day-night cycle.

To learn more, visit:


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