Get Rid Of Itching In Private Parts – Sharamgah Ki Kharish Ka Ilaj – Jock Itch Causes Treatment Urdu

Get Rid Of Itching In Private Parts – Sharamgah Ki Kharish Ka Ilaj – Jock Itch Causes Treatment Urdu

Itching is an unpleasant sensation that seems to require scratching for relief. Itching is an uncomfortable irritation you may feel on your private parts (sharamgah ki kharish) or any other area of your skin. It is likely that everyone has felt an itch in their private parts, but if that itch doesn’t go away and interferes with your quality of life.

Dr. Tahira Shahid is a Dermatologist practicing at General Practice (G8 Markaz), Islamabad. To book an appointment with Dr. Tahira, please visit the following link or call 042-3890-0939.

The most common causes of itching in private parts/jock itch (sharamgah ki kharish) includes
– Skin irritation from sweating.
– Skin irritation from tight clothing.
– Skin irritation from personal hygiene
– Dermatitis

In many cases, genital itching that is caused by irritation will clear up on its own if the irritation is removed. Other causes of itching may require more intensive treatment. If you want to avoid jock itch or itching in private parts (sharamgah ki kharish ka ilaj) you can follow
– Wash the area and then dry using a clean towel.
– Avoid chemical products
– Stay away from over-the-counter itch blockers
– Eat a well-balanced diet to maintain healthy bacteria in private parts.


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