HOW ECZEMA MEDICATIONS DESTROYED MY SKIN, a year-long journey with dry skin (TSW)

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Before I jump into my story, I want to emphasize that I’m not a medical professional. This video is based solely on my personal experience and what worked for me.

Now, let’s rewind back 15 years ish ago. When I was a kid, my first experiences with eczema was those little rashes that you get on the inside of your elbows and knees, they were mostly caused by allergies, but they weren’t much of a problem, cuz my grandma would apply a little cream and it would heal in 2-3 days. But the real problems came when I was in 10th grade, things started to change, in my family life as well as my student life and this is when the first signs of eczema showed up. I can even remember my first flare up – I was in math class and all of a sudden my body started itching and sting like crazy that my dad had to pick me up at school. So from that day on, we decided that we had to do something so we went to dermatologists and allergist. I had so many prescriptions : steroid creams for the redness (dermovate), anti histamines for the itchiness (ararax) and really greasy creams for the dryness (linola).
It went on that way for 3-4 years, but now that I look back at it, it was really a catastrophy. I was really self conscious at school, my skin was crazy dry and itchy also the sleepless nights. Some day were good, but some of em were really bad. Then I changed dermatologist and I got introduced to protopic and it worked wonders but the drawback was that I had to use is every two days, the burning sensation was unbearable and since you had to put it at night I was such a struggle to fall asleep.
So that’s when I came to the realization that I was basically addicted to a medication. If I was to stop protopic for lets say 1 week my skin would be all over the place again and I would start to be self conscious and super itchy.

Last year while I was in “La Réunion”. I was Determined to find a healthier, more sustainable solution, I started researching and found two interesting ppl : Skin Coach Tanel and Rob Stuart. These two guys are basically skin coaches. They share what worked for them and their clients. Their approach Is very similar and is all about real nutrition, body movements and mindset.

What I wanna do I go over some picture I took during my first year of healing.

Now I am going to share my experience
First off I cleaned my diet, because obviously when you tryna heal you wanna watch everything you put in your body, we tryna heal for the inside out. Don’t go too crazy about it. If you feel that your body don’t feel right after a certain meal don’t eat it. That’s as simple as that. I would just recommend to just eat real food (fruits, veggies, meat etc..). It all just comes to you. Treat your body as kindly as possible. It doesn’t mean that you can’t have a little treat everyonce in a while, as long as you know that you’ll stick to your diet.
This one is a little tricky. Moving. Since the sweat can be a no go for my itchy ppl you gotta be careful. Personnally itching was and still is one of my main challenge. So find something you know your comfortable with. For example me, I like to ride my skateboard, do basketball and stuff. But I get really itchy. But overtime I found a hack to the itch, not working out alone. Being around ppl teaches my brain to stop thinking about the urge to itch. And even I still want to itch, I would do it less because I know that im around ppl. Of course that won’t work for everybody but im just sharing my experience. I also like to swim (preferably in open water) because I don’t scratch while I swim.
Mindset, this one is a really tough one, especially for me, since im still working on it, but hear me out, our brain can do so much, it’s something we can’t even imagine. Something my girlfriend keep on saying is that your body is a reflection of your mental state. Lemme explain for exemple if you get really itchy, because let’s say you had an argument and you just waiting there doing nothing, your body tells you that you have to do something. Imma get on the spiritual side here : listen : you gotta listen to your heart man. Don’t overthink stuff, because the more you overthink, the more you just sit there and scratch. So work on yourself, youre the most important thing in your life, not your job, not you
At the end it’s all about treating your body well, good nutrition, good hydration, moving, resting, proper sleep and a good mindset to heal. That last point is super important, you stay positive and keep track of your healing. You can journal). It’s a good way to keep track of what’s going well or not. You can also take picture, as Ive been doing for the past year, to see your progress. But be careful, healing might not be linear, as sometimes, things can go worse before going better. So What is important is that you believe that you are going forward, because it’s going to be a long journey, cause as you know healing happens everyday but at his own pace.


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