Can antibiotic reaction lead to burning & red genitals? – Dr. Nischal K

Antibiotics can definitely cause some reactions in the genital area. There is a condition called as fixed drug eruptions where people react to the drug and they develop redness, blisters, pain, burning sensation pain killers or antibiotics and skin ulcer either in the genital area or in the oral cavity. These are very common to pain killers or whenever you get the same reaction the second time, you need to check for these because if take the same medication the second times, these reaction tend to be more severe, not only that, it tends to spread to other areas. Not only that whatever discoloration that happen after this reaction heals is most often it takes lot of time to heal and many at times people require lasers to get rid of these pigmentation. Another is the beirbon’s syndrome where not only the genital area, but also the ano genital area is involved along with the oral cavity. So these tings are also common with antibiotics. So whenever you are on medication, people can develop these and we have to be watchful for that the management depends on the drug. you have to stoop that drug immediately but it takes time for the drug to get cleared from the body and taking a lot of fluid helps in washing it off much more faster from the body so have plenty of fluids ,consult a dermatologist and take an antidote. Many at times they put you on creams it reduce the inflammation and improve the healing of the ulcer. Most of the fungal infections do respond to antifungal agent. So if you feel that the anti-fungal is not working, it could be because of inappropriate treatment. If the anti-fungal agent is not applied regularly the tablets not taken regularly, there is a risk that the anti-fungal agent develops a resistance to the anti-fungal agent, second is inappropriate treatment you stop the treatment before it clears completely. Many at times fungal infections take 4 to 6 weeks to heal because the slow skin turn overtime. So if the anti-fungal s are stopped before that period, you get a residual fungi which over a period of time gets reactivated and the infection sets in again. So inappropriate treatment is one of the cause for non-response to the treatment. Rarely the fungus is not responding to the anti-fungal, then we have to change it, we have very few treatment options for treating the fungal infection. So you have to be careful. You cannot neglect your anti-fungal tablets to the creams. You have to stick to the advice of the doctor to clear completely.


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