湿疹抹什么膏药最管用 杨希川 陆军军医大学第一附属医院陆军军医大学西南医院

湿疹抹什么膏药最管用 杨希川 陆军军医大学第一附属医院(陆军军医大学西南医院)

What is the most effective plaster for eczema
What is the most effective plaster for eczema: eczema is caused by many reasons, Eczema in different parts, The principles of medication are also different. So far, The first choice for eczema is hormone ointment, Such as dened cream, hydrocortisone butyrate cream, etc, The stronger ones are compound flumisone ointment, noumisone ointment, etc, Ointment with stronger efficacy can be used in the areas with thick skin, such as hands and feet, Choose a relatively mild ointment for the wrinkled part of the face.


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