ഈ ഒരു ജ്യൂസ് മതി മുടി തഴച്ചു വളരാൻ ,ശരീരം മുഴുവൻ നിറം വെക്കാൻ|Hairgrowth & Skin brightening juice

Hair growth and skin brightening juice


Reduces Dryness
The potassium in carrot juice reduces skin dryness as well as scars and blemishes by helping with hydration. It’ll also help clear up your complexion as a whole.

Prevents Acne
Since the juice is high in essential oils, it helps stave off acne by detoxifying your body. It you already have acne, it can help soothe it.

Gives Skin A Vitamin Boost
Carrot juice is pretty much a vitamin supplement for your skin. It contains tons of healthy nutrients that’ll give your skin a healthy boost and in turn help prevent conditions like eczema, which is caused by deficiency of vitamin A.

Controls Sun Damage
The beta-carotenoids in the juice, which help in photosynthesis in plants, can help reduce sunburn and also increase your skin’s resistance towards sun damage.

Fights Ageing
When the beta-carotenoids in carrot juice enter your body, they change into vitamin A, which can reduce cell degeneration and thus slow down the ageing of your body. This will also improve the amount of collagen in your skin and help prevent sagging and wrinkles.

Accelerates Hair Growth
Carrot juice will increase hair growth and also help prevent hair loss.

Strengthens Nails
The nutrients in the juice will promote strong, healthy nails and cuticles.


Beetroots have always been considered a superfood. It is high in anti-oxidants, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron and Potassium.Use beetroot for hair growth, owing to the carotenoids present in it, which allows for better blood circulation in the scalp and nourishes the hair follicles from within. Beetroot for hair has been known to prevent hair loss as well. 

Rich in Vitamin C, oranges have antioxidant properties that are good for your hair. The antioxidants help in improving blood circulation in your body while the vitamin C boosts immune system which prevents you from getting sick.

Freshly squeezed orange juice is richer in nutrients than other popular fresh juices, including apple, pineapple and grape juices. It’s particularly rich in vitamin C, the antioxidant vitamin that boosts the immune system and protects from the signs of aging.


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