Skin Benefits of Meditation

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Skin Benefits From Meditation

Most of us are probably familiar with the mental health benefits of meditation, but did you know that meditation can actually improve the condition of your skin?

It All Shows in Your Face
Skin is our largest organ, and it can be a surprisingly good indicator of issues that are going on inside your body and brain. Blushing is the prime example of just how revealing your skin can be when it comes to emotions. If a signal from your brain can change the color of your skin in mere seconds, can you imagine just how powerful your mind is? How much can you change with daily meditation?

A recent study has discovered that among medical students those that reported high
levels of stress “had a higher prevalence of oily, waxy patches on scalp and/or flaky scalp
(dandruff), dry/sore rash, itchy skin, itchy rash on their hands, and hair loss, warts, and
acne” (Bin Saif, 2018).

The Stress and Skin Connection
If you are struggling with acne, bags under your eyes, or thinning hair, or even hair loss and brittle nails, stress might be the cause. These are not just effects of aging that naturally occur. They are in many times caused from stress and anxiety that have been there for a long time. And we have covered this very brain-skin connection in our latest posting ‘Skin and Mind’. Stress can also lead to dehydration, wrinkles and lines, hair loss and graying hair for those without an inherent condition.

Stress can exacerbate or even cause skin issues as well. The inflammatory action is directly linked to many skin diseases, conditions, and disorders. Mental disorders are comorbid with a lot of the most common skin problems, such as various forms of dermatitis, rosacea, psoriasis, vitiligo, hives, and of course acne.

Of course, some skin conditions that can only be improved by rigorous skincare or
medication, but for many of them, you might only need to give yourself a break and try
your best to relax. Dermatologists who studies deeply in the brain and body connections use traditional medicine and also recommend meditation and relaxation techniques to their patients to treat their symptoms. Meditation is one of the best methods of stress release, simply because you can do it almost anywhere and anytime you have a few spare minutes, and it is essentially free.

These days we tend to be more and more stressed, the pollution in large cities is getting
worse, and we sometimes simply can’t find the time to take care of our mental and
physical health. Skin issues can be hard to deal with, take a toll on your mental
state, and can be incredibly stressful in and of itself. One of the most important
aspects of meditation is that it can help you heal from the inside out. It can give you strength, optimism, and inner calm, even when your skin makes you angry,
frustrated, and sad.

Clear Mind Can Help You Get Clear Skin.
So, last but not least, meditation can help you lead a healthier lifestyle and make better
choices, even when it comes to your skin. Being as stress free as possible is
important, but the motivation to take care of yourself is also a major aspect when it comes to clear and healthy skin. Healthy eating, exercise, taking care of your mind and body, an effective skincare routine, and of course – hydration are all daily choices that can significantly improve or completely get rid of many skin conditions.

Stress-Relieving Meditation Helps Skin Heal Faster
Meditation can even improve some quite severe skin conditions such as psoriasis. Another study has shown that “Mindfulness meditation can positively influence the rate at which psoriasis clears in patients” (Kabat-Zinn, 1998).

Meditation is not a magical cure that will eradicate all your issues, but it can be such anamazing, easy-to-use, and affordable tool, not only when it comes to your mind but also
your body and skin.


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