Skin care tips to follow before and after using swimming pool – Dr. Amee Daxini

When you go swimming there are many things that you get exposed to, the water he chlorine in the water he sunlight. So all these things can cause damage to your skin by virtue of tanning, sometimes skin burn and also your hair getting affected. Couple of tips if you follow before going for swimming it can give you better skin as well as hair. First do not forget to wear a silicon cap that will cover the hair completely, the right size and the right fit. Before you apply the cap you need to apply coconut oil or any oil which will coat the surface of the hair so that there is no direct contact of the chlorine water and the hair that helps the hair from drying. Next is always apply a water proof or a water resistant sunscreen half an hour before you are stepping into the water because that will protect your skin form tanning as well as moisturise the skin. After applying the sunscreen do not forget to first go under a shower before you step into the water because when you take a shower before swimming, your sunscreen gets more stuck and it is much better acting, second is it removes the dust and the dirt which is there is the surface of your skin, the third most important thing is layer that is formed by the water prevents the penetration of this chlorine water into the hair as well as the skin. Immediately post your swimming don’t forget to shower out to prevent excess chlorine form your body and apply a deep moisturiser all over the body and wash your hair with a chlorine sensitive shampoo which can remove the excess chlorine from your skin as well as your hair. Most important is don’t forget your sunscreen, don’t forget to use the cap and the moisturiser post swimming.


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