What Is The Leaky Gut Diet? Do I Have Leaky Gut Syndrome?

Gut Health Blog
Americas #1 Probiotic Supplement


What is the Leaky Gut Diet and How Does It Work?

One of the key components in your gut is the microbiome, comprising a community of bacteria intended to help fight disease and promote overall health..

Your gut also is in constant conversation with your immune system via receptors throughout the digestive tract, triggering the release of hormones and other cells that can help to promote general immune functions

Your gut can succumb to a whole host of potential diseases and disorders based on your diet, everyday stress, and a wide range of other factors

Leaky gut syndrome is one of the more common conditions affecting the digestive system. Let’s take a closer look at leaky gut syndrome, the leaky gut diet, and other ways to help you better manage symptoms and maintain good gut health.

What is Leaky Gut Syndrome?

Leaky gut syndrome, also sometimes known as increased intestinal permeability or intestinal hyperpermeability, is characterized by an unhealthy gut lining that may be full of holes, cracks, or other openings.

These fissures allow partially digested food, bacteria, toxins, and other harmful microbes to “leak” into the deeper tissues of your intestine and your bloodstream.

Normally in a healthy intestine, this lining forms a tight barrier that manages what gets absorbed into your bloodstream and what gets passed along to the large intestine and excreted as waste.

What Causes Leaky Gut Syndrome?

Everyone has a leaky gut to some degree because your intestinal barrier isn’t supposed to be completely impenetrable. If it was, you wouldn’t get the vitamins, minerals, and macronutrients from the food you eat.

One of the biggest contributors to leaky gut syndrome is the modern Western diet, which tends to be low in fiber and high in sugar and saturated fats. This may trigger increased intestinal permeability.

Chronic stress and heavy alcohol use can also disrupt the delicate balance in your gut flora and intestinal lining.

Other potential causes of leaky gut syndrome
⦁ Use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen
⦁ Deficiencies in vitamin A, vitamin D, or zinc
⦁ An overgrowth of the yeasts naturally present in your gut

Symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome

When the contents of your stomach and intestines leak into the rest of the body, the result is an inflammatory response by the immune system and an alteration in the gut flora.

The most common symptoms of leaky gut syndrome include:
⦁ Gas and bloating
⦁ Constipation
⦁ Chronic diarrhea
⦁ Poor immune response (inability to fight infection)
⦁ Fatigue
⦁ Nutritional deficiencies
⦁ Allergies
⦁ Headaches and brain fog
⦁ Skin problems, including rashes, eczema, rosacea, or sudden acne
⦁ Joint pain or arthritis
⦁ Depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders

Research suggests that inflammation and drastic changes to your microbiome can contribute to various chronic and autoimmune diseases

The Leaky Gut Diet

The good news is that you can easily manage leaky gut and improve your gut health with some simple changes to your diet.

The leaky gut diet comprises a diverse range of foods that are easy to digest while actively helping to repair your intestinal lining.

Start by taking away allergens and other foods that may be causing intestinal inflammation, which may include processed grains, refined oils, dairy products, and any foods with added sugar.

Foods you should include in your diet:
⦁ Bone Broth Bone broth is a rich source of collagen, proline, and glycine, all of which can help heal intestinal tissue
⦁ Fermented Vegetables Along with fiber, fermented vegetables contain acids that can help balance your intestinal pH and gut flora.
⦁ Coconut Coconut products contain medium-chain fatty acids that are easier to digest while providing you with healthy fats.
⦁ Sprouted seeds Sprouted seeds include flax, chia, and hemp and offer excellent sources of fiber, which can help to feed your gut bacteria and support good digestion.
⦁ Omega-3 fatty acids Omega-3s are powerful anti-inflammatory compounds that are particularly found in fatty fish, grass-fed beef, lamb, and certain nuts and seeds.

Along with foods, dietary supplements can help to heal your gut and rebalance your digestive system.

Probiotics are one of the most important supplements because they can help to replenish your gut flora with the beneficial bacteria, which can further help to heal your gut and restore order to your digestive system.

Now with all that said…

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Also check out the links in the description to learn about America’s #1 Probiotic Supplement

I hope you enjoyed this video and remember to always…. Trust Your Gut


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