Comfrey and Rose hip salve

Medicinal Compounds In Comfrey
It is a compound called allantoin, found in the roots and leaves of comfrey, that makes this herb so beneficial. Research suggests that allantoin helps the body grow new skin cells and also has the ability to help in regeneration of connective tissues. `

Comfrey also possesses high amounts of tannins and rosmarinic acid and tannins that help in skin cell growth. Other helpful compounds include mucopolysaccharides, vitamin B12, antioxidants, and proteins.

Rose hip defends your skin in the following ways: It protects your skin from sun damage. It reduces skin inflammation that can cause acne and eczema. It reverses signs of aging caused by the sun.

The antioxidants found in grapeseed oil, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and proanthrocyanidin (phew), can help to prevent—and undo—pollution- and UV-induced free radical damage to the skin.


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