6 Signs That You May Have Vitamin And Mineral Deficiency

Could they be mouth ulcers? How about hair loss or fidgety legs? We’re talking all that and more.

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#VitaminsAndMinerals #Deficiency #Bestie


Intro – 0:00
1. Mouth Ulcers – 00:19
2. Dandruff and Scaly Patchy Skin – 001:18
3. Bleeding Gums – 02:24
4. White Growth in the Eyes and Poor Vision at Night – 03:34
5. Hair Loss – 04:49
6. Restless Leg Syndrome – 05:47


1. Mouth Ulcers
Canker sores, commonly known as mouth ulcers, are often formed due to a deficiency of iron or vitamin B complex. Experts have found that people with mouth ulcers are twice as likely to have an iron deficiency.

2. Dandruff And Scaly Patchy Skin
Dandruff and Seborrheic Dermatitis (SB)- both involve itchy scaly skin and are part of the same group of skin disorders. While dandruff is restricted to the scalp, SB can occur anywhere on the chest, armpit and face.

3. Bleeding Gums
Vitamin C deficiency has been known to cause bleeding gums. Our bodies are incapable of producing vitamin C naturally, so we take it from our diet.

4. White Growth In The Eyes And Poor Vision At Night
If you find it difficult to see in dim light, it might be time to talk to your doctor. Severe Vitamin A deficiency can cause night blindness. Night blindness occurs when eyes lose their ability to adjust to dim lighting. This can be particularly dangerous if it goes undiagnosed.

For more information, please watch the video until the very end.

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