Q&A with Dr Ben Johnson | Face Mapping, Toxic Ingredients, Over Hyped Ingredients + More

Q&A with Dr Ben Johnson! This stuff is SO interesting! If you want to know WHY you have acne, or WHY you have melasma, or any other skin condition you will want to see this. Plus we talk about other skincare topics as well 😉 . Please SUBSCRIBE and hit the bell notification to get notified when I post a new video 😉 xo


(I own Skin Truth)

Osmosis Medical Skincare (special coupon code Brianna20 for 20% off)

Specific Internal Wellness Products Mentioned
Pathway (the mucus cleanse) |

Disruptor (body detox) |

Complete Digestive Enzymes |

Rescue (he mentioned as being great for perioral dermatitis) |

Restore (internal must have supplement for melasma and broken capillaries) |

QUICK TIPS (Must Have Products for Each Skin Condition)
Rosacea Skin – Both sensitive and rosacea struggle with compromised immune activity. For rosacea, this occurs from damage to the digestive tract. The barrier is deficient which sensitizes the skin to active ingredients and irritants.
Rescue Epidermal Repair Serum |
Catalyst Plus (sensitive skin) or Catalyst AC-11
Clear or Clear Plus Activating Mist
Vitamin A Calm Serum if you have sensitive skin, Correct if normal skin
Quench Plus Moisturizer
Skin Perfection Harmonized H2O or Digestive Health Harmonized H2O

Aging Skin – Normal aging is what a majority of the population is experiencing. It results from the progressive decline of the tools and nutrition your skin relies upon like growth factors, DNA health, circulation levels, the number of fibroblasts making collagen and elastin, certain stable oxygen molecules, amino acids, vitamins and minerals.
Vitamin A Serum (3 different strengths)
Stemfactor Growth Serum
Catalyst AC-11
Clear or Clear Plus Activating Mist
Quench Plus Moisturizer

Acne/Blemish Prone Skin – Our skin is a filter to help remove toxins from our bodies. These toxins are what cause breakouts. Whether from diet, hormones, stress or candida, the toxins that are released due to these causes appear on the face, back or chest that occur chronically, monthly or intermittently.
Deep Clean Cleanser
Clarify Vitamin A Serum
Rescue Epidermal Repair Serum
Clear Activating Mist
Skin Perfection Harmonized H2O

Enlarged Pores – Enlarged pores are primarily a sign of aging. Yes the size of the sebaceous gland and the amount of oil can be factors, but at the end of the day it is more about the structural collapse (from aging) around the follicle that pulls the pore open.
Vitamin A Serum
Catalyst AC-11
Rescue Epidermal Repair Serum
Clear Activating Mist

Scarring – Scarring is the result of intense trauma that results in an interruption of the wound healing process. In order to improve scarring we need to activate our zinc fingers which involves Catalyst and restore an improved immune system.
Catalyst AC-11
Rescue Epidermal Repair Serum
Clear Plus Activating Mist

Age Spots / Pigmentation – You may have sun-derived or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) if the areas of pigmentation are like freckles, are more apparent with sun exposure and not usually symmetrical on the face. They can appear as a larger cluster of pigmentation in some areas.
Purify Cleanser
Correct Vitamin A Serum
Catalyst AC-11
Rescue Epidermal Repair Serum
Clear Plus Activating Mist
Enlighten Serum

I’m also on INSTAGRAM! @BriannaStanko

Follow Premier Look on Instagram for product info and SKINCARE GIVEAWAYS!

**This video is not sponsored


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