How to Reduce Fatigue from Autoimmune Condition (psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema)

How to help energy levels and fatigue with autoimmune issues and stress

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00:00 – Introduction: Autoimmune Fatigue
0:30 – My Transformational Goal For You
1:24 – 5 Ways to Combat Fatigue: Supplements
1:55 – Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
2:55 – Vitamin D3 & Liver
3:28 – Electrolytes
4:25 – Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
4:50 – Adaptogenic Herbs
5:19 – Movement
6:34 – Non-Inflammatory Diet
7:10 – Enough Quality Sleep
8:00 – 5 Tip Overview

In this video, Dr. Kyle Loveless explores the issue of fatigue and its intricate ties to autoimmune responses. He sheds light on the often overlooked fact that a substantial portion of the population is unknowingly trapped in an autoimmune response due to the multitude of stressors in their environment.

With a distinctive approach, Dr. Kyle presents five techniques to reduce fatigue—the first approach encompasses the utilization of five diverse supplements. These supplements encompass thiamine (vitamin B1), vitamin D3, liver supplements, electrolytes, and the wonders of apple cider vinegar. Dr. Kyle thoroughly dissects the benefits and effects of each supplement on energy levels, immune responses, and holistic well-being. He advocates for the incorporation of adaptogens such as ashwagandha, rhodiola, cordyceps, and other potent herbs known for their stress-reducing properties.

Dr. Kyle Loveless also emphasizes the role of movement. He underscores the significance of continual physical activity throughout the day, as extended periods of sedentary behavior invariably contribute to feelings of fatigue.

In addition, Dr. Kyle underscores the importance of adopting a non-inflammatory diet as the fourth strategy. He clarifies that this does not necessarily entail adhering strictly to vegan or carnivorous diets but rather eliminating foods notorious for inducing inflammation.

Dr. Kyle fervently advocates for the value of quality sleep—the fifth and final strategy. He aptly acknowledges that sleep is universally cherished and vital for comprehensive cellular rejuvenation. With each night’s rest, aging cells are replaced by fresh ones, and the body’s intricate circadian rhythm is given the opportunity to efficiently restore and regenerate various bodily functions. Aim for seven to eight hours of sleep per night, with women potentially benefiting from slightly more due to cyclical hormonal variations. He emphasizes the importance of adhering to a consistent sleep schedule, aiming to retire before 10 p.m., and prioritizing high-quality sleep.

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