5 SIGNS OF IRON DEFICIENCY 🥗❌ #health #healthy #healthylifestyle #skincare #healthtips #haircare

Iron deficiency anemia can lead to many
changes in skin, hair and nails. Iron deficiency is more come on in women than in men.

✅Hairfall : iron deficiency can cause hair fall,Should every patient of hairfall be
supplemented with iron? No. But we need to
check iron levels when hairfall is troublesome

✅Dark circles: Anemics tend to have
exaggerated dark circles. The oxygen
carrying capacity of blood is reduced.
Reduces blood supply leads to the under eye area appearing darker.

✅Pallor: skin tends to be appear pale. We
check the tongue and Palpebral conjunctiva
for pallor.

✅Brittle nails and koilonychia: Nails can lack lustre and break easily.

✅Dry skin & itching: iron deficiency can
make skin appear dry and itchy. This is more
common in patients who already have
eczema or atopic dermatitis.
🥗Good sources of iron in diet are :
✔️Vegetarian: green leafy vegetables, sweet potatoes, soyabean, pulses, beans, whole grains, nuts

✔️Non vegetarian: eggs, chicken, sea food
There are iron capsules available which
should always be taken after consulting a
doctor. You need to take for 3-6 months if
there is a deficiency.

#iron #irondeficiency #health #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #healthy #healthyliving #ironhead #anemia #pregnancy


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