How I’m Getting My Chronic Eczema Under Control: Dupixent Journey | 3rd Injection + 2 Month Update

*** Disclaimer: This Video is not sponsored! I purchased this product with my own money and I am choosing to document my journey in hopes it will help others!***

Hello everyone and welcome to video number 3 (Three) of my Chronic Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema) Journey and experience with Dupixent! In the this video and the ones to follow I will be showing you guys the process and the results that I receive from Dupixent and also give you guys updates on my progress. In this video in particular, I received my third round of a Dupixent injection using the prefilled injector pin! Also I am giving you guys a two month update that includes whether the injection in the thigh is better then the arm, whether the treatment is working (is my eczema going away or getting worse?), side effects (am I experiencing any?) and just letting you guys know whether I will be continuing with Dupixent! I hope my journey helps anyone who deciding to use Dupixent and stay tuned for more updates… because Eczema is NOT Life but Dupixent 💉is not the fix for me 😩🤦🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️!

Love, Live, (My) Life…Jess4TV!

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#Dupixent #ChronicEczema #AtopicDermatitis

Love, Live, (My) Life…Jess4TV!

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