Itchy Scalp Treatment: Remedies for dandruff, dry scalp – Dr. Jisha Gomez | CureSkin #AskTheExperts

Noticing flaky, itchy scalp recently and wondering what’s causing it?
Itchy Scalp Treatment: Remedies for dandruff, dry scalp | #AskTheExperts

Well, itchiness and flakiness can be the effect of dandruff or dry scalp. It’s crucial to know what’s causing the irritation, as the scalp treatment wholly depends on it. Dandruff treatment on the dry scalp will only make it worse and vice versa.

Dry Scalp:
Dry scalp is a condition caused due to lower sebum secretion on your scalp. This leads to fine white scales that make your scalp itch.

Treatment for Dry Scalp:
Massage your scalp with any good hair oil
Reduce your hair showers
Use a gentle non-sulfate shampoo

Dandruff is more of an oily scalp problem. Excess oil favours fungus/yeast growth, which develops thick greasy, yellowish scales, redness leading to irritation and itching.

Treatment for Dandruff: (Dandruff kaise hataye)
Use a good anti-dandruff shampoo
Avoid oiling your hair as it feds the fungus to grow more

In case, redness and itchiness on your scalp persists, consult a dermatologist.

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