What is Neurodermatitis and how is it treated? – Dr. Tina Ramachander

Neurodermatitis is a secondary skin condition, where you see that there is a constant itching on certain part of the body and then the skin in that area starts to get a little thicker, more pigmented, more itchy. So it starts as an itch-start cycle. So more the itchy the skin lesion, there is more scratching, hence more the symptoms and this can occur in any part of the body and also it can arise from something like a skin lesion which is already there and hence it is called as a secondary skin lesion. Coming to the treatment aspect to it, we give anti-inflammatory medicated creams, corticosteroids, and hence it is related to a stress and it is called as neurodermatitis because when a person is in stress, such kind of itching and neurodermatitis increase. Also anti-anxiety drugs have shown to give lot of relief on case of neurodermatitis.


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