Is Exercise Good for Psoriasis? | Heal Psoriasis with the Right Exercise

Is exercise good for psoriasis and how does stress effect psoriasis and other skin issues

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00:00 – Intro: Exercise, Stress, & Impact on Psoriasis
02:20 – Different Types of Exercise
03:10 – The Role of Stress in Autoimmune Issues
04:00 – Different types of stress
06:18 – Do whats best for you

In this video, Dr. Kyle Loveless talks about the intricate relationship between exercise and psoriasis, shedding light on how physical activity can impact this autoimmune condition and other health issues.

While exercise has long been perceived as universally beneficial, the truth is more nuanced. Learn about the historical perspective, debunking the myth that longer, more intense workouts are always better. Understanding the role of stress in psoriasis is key, as it affects both our emotional and physical well-being.

By customizing your exercise routines to reduce unnecessary stress on the body, you can support your immune response and aid your body’s healing process. Low-stress exercises, such as yoga and Pilates can improve blood flow, stretch muscles, and promote overall well-being for individuals with psoriasis. Find a balance that nurtures your body and minimizes flare-ups.

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