The TOP 7 Vitamins That Can Boost Collagen For Healthy Skin

Are you a skincare buff? I don’t know about you but I sure am! When you begin building a basic skincare routine, you’re likely to come across this one word a lot. Collagen!

It’s the most common protein found in your body and is responsible for giving you a youthful appearance. When your skin has a healthy level of collagen, it’s not only glowing and youthful but stronger.

This might make you wonder if you can boost collagen production naturally, and the answer is yes. You just need to make the right dietary choices. In today’s video, we are going to discuss the top vitamins you need to boost collagen. Why is vitamin C so important? What about glycine?

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⚠️Medical Disclaimer:

#BoostCollagen #Vitamins #Bestie

✅ Sources:

⏱️ Intro – 0:00
⏱ Vitamin A – 0:44
⏱ Vitamin B – 1:54
⏱ Vitamin C – 3:06
⏱ Vitamin E – 4:27
⏱ Zinc – 5:16
⏱ Collagen Peptides – 6:26
⏱ Glycine – 7:18

🎵 Music:

✍️ Summary:
Vitamin A
Vitamin A can help reduce wrinkles. Most skin care products that claim to remove age-related effects from your skin have retinoids in them. Retinoids are drugs that are derived from vitamin A.

Vitamin B
B-complex vitamins can improve the health of your skin. These vitamins are water-soluble and are available as supplements.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C is very important for the synthesis of collagen. People cannot produce vitamin C on their own, so they need to get it from food. While uncommon these days, a severe deficiency in vitamin C, could leave you with scurvy.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E is also an antioxidant, similar to vitamin C. It can help slow down the aging process caused by free radicals. You can take vitamin E supplements or get it in foods like mangoes, nuts, and spinach.

If you expose your skin to sunlight for too long, it can cause photoaging and create dark spots. You need to use sunscreen, but make sure it has zinc in it. Zinc oxide can reflect the sun’s rays so that they don’t affect your skin and prevent any early signs of aging.

Collagen peptides
Collagen peptides are supplements that help your body get back the collagen it has lost. Since the collagen levels drop as you go older, the skin gets saggy and develops wrinkles.

Glycine is the main amino acid found in collagen. You’ll be surprised to know every third to fourth amino acid in collagen is glycine. This is how important it is!

For more information, please watch the video until the very end.
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