alma k dead sea mineral range

Alma K Dead Sea Minerals Facial Cleansing Gel:

Alma K Dead Sea Minerals Purifying Mud Mask:

Alma K Dead Sea Minerals Mineral Peeling Mask:

Alma K Nourishing Night Cream:

Calcium–soothes and relieves skin cells, is necessary in strengthening cell membranes and cleansing pores

Magnesium–accelerates metabolism of cells by assisting the body to utilize other essential nutrients, works as an anti-allergic agent

Chloride–balances minerals in cells and in the body, necessary to maintain the correct balance of alkaline and acid in the body, which is vital for cell metabolism

Bromide–heals and relieves disorders, and has relaxing effect as an anti-inflammatory agent, can be used as a natural antibiotic

Benefits of the Dead Sea
Sodium Chloride–nourishes and hydrates skin cells and removes toxic waste, improving its permeability

Iodine–vital for cell metabolism and regulates the metabolic energy, necessary for the production of hormone thyroxin

Zinc– natural regulation of cell growth and regeneration. Facilitates cell renewal and stimulates collagen and elastin synthesis (renews skin). A great antioxidant this mineral is a free radicals scavenger. It also improves sebo-regulation (anti-acne properties), anti-inflammatory properties and is a natural UV rays blocker

Boron– replenishment of the Boron mineral helps to relieve the symptoms of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis

Potassium– improves oxidation, stimulates and maintains nerve signals and muscle contractions, necessary to maintain water balance in order for cell metabolism to take place, assists cells to absorb nourishment and expel waste products. An imbalance of potassium often leads to water retention. Signs of potassium deficiency include abnormally dry skin and acne as well as flare ups of Psoriasis.

Sulfur–necessary for secretion of bile from the liver and for converting toxins into non-toxins. Has also been shown effective to help relieve symptoms of skin disorders such as Psoriasis and Eczema.

Benefits of dead sea salts
Acne: Dead Sea Salts have a high sulfur content and useful in the cleansing required to purify the skin of acne sufferers

Reducing Stress: Dead Sea Salt and Mineral Mud from the Dead Sea offer wonderful relief of the symptoms by increasing circulation and detoxification necessary to remove the by products from the stress cycle thereby freeing your cells from toxins. They also moisturize the skin and enhance relaxation of the body, which in turn enables one to obtain adequate sleep, necessary for regeneration of the body

Psorasis: Skin is assisted in eliminating toxins, regenerating new cells, increased circulation and general body purification, which has resulted in lengthening the duration of remission and has been recommended as an alternative treatment for the condition

Cellulite: Dead Sea Salt can assist in detoxifying, improving circulation and suppleness of the skin, and can assist in the general cleansing of the skin, necessary to remove the impurities that are otherwise trapped within the tissue
Skin Allergies: The high magnesium and bromine content in the Dead Sea Salt is beneficial for anti allergic due to its cleansing, detoxifying of the skin, providing smoothness and relaxation
Atopic Dermatitis / Eczema: Sever itching often subsides, clearing is usually good
Dry Skin: Regular soaking with Dead Sea salts and then applying a moisturizer can also alleviate uncomfortable symptoms. High mineral content in the Dead Sea Salt, helps both in cleansing and replacing required electrolytes necessary for healthy skin
Wrinkles: Research into the benefits of minerals from the Dead Sea Salt has shown a 40% reduction in the depth of wrinkles
Arthritis: Minerals in the mud found in the Dead Sea improve blood circulation necessary to reduce the inflammatory response, together with the detoxifying agent and general muscle relaxant.
Hair Loss: By using Dead Sea Salt in cleansing the scalp, it improves the hair follicles ability to allow hair to growth, in turn reducing hair loss
Dandruff: Dead Sea Salts contain sulfur in a natural form. In addition the other minerals assist in detoxifying and cleansing which is vital to restore the balance of cells to reduce the oiliness of the scalp.


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