Actinolite #astrology #astro #astrologer #rings #gemstones #gems #gemologists #gemstone #viral #yt

Mohs hardness: 5-6
Color: Light to dark green, grayish-green, greenish-black, black, or colorless
Crystal structure: Monoclinic
Luster: Vitreous (glass-like) or silky, sometimes dull
Transparency: Transparent to translucent, sometimes opaque
Refractive index: 1.61-1.64
Density: 2.95-3.30
Cleavage: Perfect or good on [110] with 2 directions (120° and 60° intersections)
Fracture: Uneven or splintery
Streak: White
Luminescence: None
Pleochroism: Present, yellow or yellow-green to green or brown
Optical effects: Chatoyancy

Actinolite is composed of hydrous calcium magnesium iron silicate.
Actinolite is a good crystal for you when travelling to different countries to help you to tune into the lifestyle and customs of the locals and the energies of the place.
Actinolite strengthens the immune system, by helping to fight off viral and bacterial infections.
Stimulates the kidney, liver and spleen function.
​Actinolite is beneficial for detoxifying and metabolism.
This stone stimulates cell and tissue function and the regeneration and growth of the body.
This stone assists in processing nutrients and waste products through intestines, bowels.
It will reduce rashes, ease hives and other physical reactions that are associated with allergies.
Actinolite will reduce the physical effects associated with eczema, acne and rosacea.
It will remove the effects that result from lead and mercury poisoning, toxins, adverse reactions to additives, parasites and fungus.
It is excellent for helping you overcome indecision, hesitation to begin a task and a fear of moving forward in your life.
It will overcome a lack of confidence and belief in your self. Actinolite stabilises, grounds and offers certainty in your daily life.
It will guide you to explore new directions without forgetting your original path.
Actinolite will help you to recognise your own capabilities. It encourages inner balance, patience and a sense of timing.
Actinolite helps to prevent loneliness and alienation by opening your heart to others and so creating correspondingly friendly vibes in social encounters.
Use this stone in your workplace to shield you from any negativity and especially from divisive energies, troublemakers and gossips.
Actinolite helps in dream recall, removes blockages that stop personal growth.
Actinolite will overcome feelings of being isolated from others, it redirects psychic attack, illness and unwanted negativity.
Actinolite provides an efficient shield against any negative thoughts, including your own.
Actinolite will help you to be aware of when and where you have diverged from your original, real goals. This will help you to correct your course.
Place actinolite in a window if you live in a neighbourhood where there is intolerance or trouble with your neighbours or gangs to shield your household from threat or harm.
This stone promotes unity of all humankind by spreading goodwill and accentuating understanding and tolerance between people of different faiths and political systems.
It is also thought to be a helpful stone for those in sales or public speaking, as it can boost confidence and charisma.
Actinolite is a good choice for anyone who is looking for increased security and grounding in their life.
It can help you to find your voice and communicate more effectively with others.

You should never replace professional medical treatment with crystal healing
This stone can help clear congestion and improve breathing. The stone can also fight tumors related to breathing asbestos.
Actinolite can also help soothe the nervous system, which can benefit those suffering from anxiety or stress.
The actinolite stone can also help to improve digestion and eliminate toxins from the body.
The actinolite stone can help to calm stress and anxiety. The stone can also help to reduce negative thinking and worry.
This stone can also help to ease symptoms of depression by lifting your mood and promoting positive thinking.
Actinolite can also help to ease fears, phobias, and nightmares.
This stone can also help to ease the pain of grief.
The metaphysical benefits of actinolite are vast. This stone can offer deep insight and guidance, making it a powerful tool for spiritual growth. It can help you to connect with your intuition and access hidden knowledge.
Metaphysically, actinolite is known for its ability to connect one with one’s Higher Self and the spirit world. Here are a few of its other benefits:
Carrying or meditating with actinolite can help you to uncover your true identity and life purpose.
Actinolite can also help to develop psychic ability and intuition. It is a great stone for those who want to learn more about their spiritual gifts.
Actinolite can help to boost creativity and imagination.
Actinolite can help to promote spiritual growth and enlightenment.
When meditating with actinolite, focus on your breath. As you inhale, allow the stone to fill your body with its peaceful energy. As you exhale, release any stress or anxiety.


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