Carly Veness – What does Speech Pathology have to do with it?

Feeding Difficulties in Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Disorders: What does Speech Pathology have to do with it?

Feeding and swallowing difficulties are more common in children with Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Disorders (EGIDs). Any problems with the gastrointestinal tract can contribute to problems with eating, drinking and the enjoyment of mealtimes. Managing feeding and swallowing difficulties requires a multidisciplinary team, with speech pathologists playing a central role in the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of feeding disorders. We will discuss the relationship between EGIDs and feeding difficulties, and how feed aversions develop in children with gastrointestinal conditions. Management principles, referral pathways and further resources will also be shared.

Carly Veness is a Certified Practising Speech Pathologist with over 17 years of clinical and research experience. Carly leads Babble & Munch Speech Pathology, a Melbourne private practice focused on infant and child feeding difficulties. Carly also holds a casual appointment at the Royal Women’s Hospital NICU and has a Graduate Diploma of Infant & Parent Mental Health. Carly has particular interest and experience in working with babies and children with gastrointestinal and allergic conditions, tube feeding, and oral function difficulties. Carly is active in teaching and mentoring, regularly holding feeding workshops for other health professionals around Australia and online.


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