How to treat eczema, its causes and symptoms by Doctor Andrew Hogg

Hello everyone!

Eczema awareness week – it’s not just itchy skin!

As well as specializing in facial aesthetics, on Wednesday to Friday, I don my GP cap and whiz over to my surgery in Edenbridge…….I am deeply privileged as a GP, being offered a unique insight into people’s lives, often when they are at their most vulnerable.

This week is awareness event from 12-19th September, Eczema awareness week as promoted by the National Eczema Society.

This particular issue is one close to my heart as my daughter has eczema and for her (and by default therefore me) it has been quite an unpleasant experience. Late nights scratching, waking up, sore, skin infections, endless use of moisturisers and steroids

Fortunately for most children, by the time they reach school age their eczema has abated. For a minority, it continues into adulthood. I should just add here that “eczema” is a bit of an umbrella term for quite a few different types of skin issues and I am in the main talking about atopic eczema that is associated with other problems such as hay fever and asthma.

Common questions I get asked:
“Why do I have eczema?”
“Can I make it better through my diet?”
“Do I need to take all these steroids- wont they harm my child’s skin?”

I hope you enjoy this video as I attempt to answer these questions and more with useful tips on how to minimize eczema.

We delivery some of the following:
Acne and congested skin,
Adult skin congestion,
teenage facials,
teenage acne,
Advanced facials,
chemical peels
veins and vascular treatments
Thread veins,
laser hair removal,
Botox Treatments


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