How to Wash Your Hair Without Shampoo

Let’s talk about how to wash your hair without shampoo. Shampoo is not so harmless as you may think. Shampoos are full of chemicals and parabens, that cause hair damages and hair lose. Shampoo tends to deplete the natural oils from your hair, causing the scalp to overcompensate and produce excess oil. When you stop using shampoo, you may find your hair quite oily for a couple of weeks, as it is still overcompensating. But after a while, your hair adjusts and stops overproducing oil.
People who stop using shampoo experience an increase in thickness, shine and overall texture.
There are a lot of ways to wash your hair without shampoo. But we are going to speak about the most effective ones:
1. Baking soda. Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 1 cup of warm water. Pour the mixture on your hair and rub in by massaging your sculp. Then you should rinse your hair with apple vinegar mixture. For this mix 1 tablespoon of apple vinegar and 1 cup of warm water. Then rinse your hair with it.
2. Rye flour. Mix rye flour with water to make a paste. Wash your hair with it and then use apple vinegar mixture to rinse your hair.
3. Ayurvedic homemade shampoo with amla, shikakai and reetha. Reetha (or soap nuts) contains foaming agents that remove grease and dirt from your hair. Shikakai is a very mild hair cleanser that retains natural oils of the hair. And amla which helps to repair damaged hair and strengthen and protect hair from further damages.
Take 10 grams shikakai pods, 10 grams reetha berry, 5 grams amla pieces. Soak them in 750ml of water overnight. Heat the mixture and let it boil for 5-15 minutes. Let it cool and blend it in the blender of just crush amla, shikakai and reetha with a fork or smth else. Then strain it. Now your shampoo is ready to use. Just wash your hair like with a normal shampoo. Let it sit for a few minutes and rinse.

You need about 2-4 weeks for your hair to adjust and stop overproducing oil. So, be patient and you will be pleased with the result.

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