WildForce Greens Formula- Feel the Power of Wild Plants!

Announcing the most powerful green formula on the market…Wild Force Greens Formula, from Markus Rothkranz, author of the “Free Food and Medicine Worldwide Edible Plant Guide”.
For those who don’t have the time or ability to forage their own wild plants from all over the globe, as food and medicine, I created the ultimate mixture of the most powerful plants in the world. Unlike commercial farm plants, wild plants grow roots hundreds of feet deep, bringing up saponins, sterols, glycocides, minerals, vitamins, enzymes and healing compounds that other plants can’t, making them hundreds of times richer and more powerful.
Read my unique ingredient list at wildforceproducts.com and benefits of each ingredient. You’ll be amazed! See the testimonials here
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One of the most nutritionally packed formulas out there. The main ingredients are plants which are documented to provide good energy and facilitates weight loss. This powder is also non-GMO and contains enough nutrition to serve as a meal replacement.

Wild plants are more powerful than organic farm plants.

Organic is awesome, but there is nothing quite like wild growing foods.  Quite simply, foods that grow wild have the absolute highest life force energy and nutritional and medicinal benefits available.  Despite major advances in growing methods in the last few hundred years, humans still cannot replicate the wisdom of Mother nature exactly.

Contains some of the most nutritious greens there are in the world

All parts, including the leaves are used specifically as a mild laxative, diuretic, anti-inflammatory with soothing demulcent and expectorant properties than help to clear mucus from the body.:

Mallow is a plant. People use the flower and leaf to make medicine.Mallow is used for irritation of the mouth and throat, dry cough, and bronchitis. It is also used for stomach and bladder complaints.To treat wounds, some people put mallow in a warm moist dressing, poultice, and apply it directly to the skin, or add it to bath water.

Dandelion –

Alfalfa –

Bamboo –
The health benefits of bamboo shoots include healthy weight loss, control of bad cholesterol, strengthening of the immune system, possible cancer-fighting properties and anti-inflammatory properties. It is heart friendly, contains protein, a sufficient supply of vitamins and minerals and a negligible amount of fat. It also contains a significant amount of dietary fiber.

Japanese knotweed is a major source of resveratrol …..

The plant is so highly praised because of its high content of one particular chemical, resveratrol. This word has been thrown around a lot in recent years, as it has many apparent health benefits, and is found in red wine!.



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